Most people would say Pokemon Crater, the free online Pokemon RPG game, was the best free version ever. I think it was pretty good but the best, I don’t know about that. There are a lot of free Pokémon games to play online and some are very good – or course some are very bad as well.
I keep getting comments and reading around the web that the Pokemon Crater game will be starting up again, this is not true. First it was starting back in May, then August, the last was December the 1st. The truth is the developer has no intentions of starting this up again so it’s best to find a great replacement.
This site has a huge list of probably every free Pokemon game around, well what I can find anyway. Please, if you know of any comment and let me know so I can play it and at least try the game out. I am , after all, a huge Pokémon game fan! Give me a great free Pokemom RPG game any day.

look i agree but there is a new pokemon crater but it is beta one and crap so i think if we give it some time it will be alot better
The game is in spanish, but you might as well want to try it. Pokemon RPG Online from
Thanks for the comment.
a new Pokemon website is Pokemon negro
Hey! Who ever see this spread it WIDE!Cause I love Pokemons!Try this Site!Its Cool!
But Not as cool as Pokemon Crater!
how do you get into the game on pokemon negro and how do you change it to english
what is Pokemon Craters website adress?
It's up again, but it is so slow...
Plus, it is not as good as other games like indigo, etc...
The one that is up isn't the original Pokemon Crater v7 online game. It is a copy and no close to being very good as the original Pokemon Crater
i must be dum or something but how do u get to the sites to play these games??
try pokemon indigo. its just like pokemon crater. its awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard about Pokemon Crater but, only after it shut down. I have a Pokemon Indigo account and have been playing for not even a month now, but in my opinion, it really rocks!! I haven't been playing these pokemon websites for a while and don't have much experience with them, but Pokemon Indigo is fast, and there's definitely alot to do. My user is Internutty, check me out! =D
pokemon lake is really cool i love pokemon in pokemon lake you can get emerald pokemon like vortex battle v1.8 you can get ancient pokemon my favourite is lucario but try pokemon lake its best out of all pokemon games but pokemon deluge is boring my 1st favourite pokemon is darkrai and 2nd lucario enjoy catching and battling pokemon on pokemon lake thank you and if you want to battle me my username is pokemon bad man even on tppc bye poke fans
The pokemon moon.... Or TPMRPG is the way to go.... It has every pokemon you could think of and even made up pokemon. Ive been playing for a while and ive even heard from a friend that they occasionaly do sprite contests for their next pokemon....
Anyways theres ALWAYS someone on and when theres one person there millions.... The best part is that the pokemon have NO LEVEL LIMIT!!! train as much as you want and never get bord.
Look for meh! My Character is hirochio if you join ill hook you up with a pokemon.
pokemon vortex is just like pokemon crater
yeah ,,pokemon lake rocksss
pokemon lake........pokemon indigo......pokemon vortex.......these 3 websites r awesum........pokemon volcano nd deluge suckzz
Guys i will tell u Pokemon vortex is
pokemon crater but the developer sold pokemon crater to the guy who made pokemon vortex now some things from pokemon crater are in pokemon vortex
Guys i will tell u Pokemon vortex is
pokemon crater but the developer sold pokemon crater to the guy who made pokemon vortex now some things from pokemon crater are in pokemon vortex
Try pokemon vortex... its the almost the exact ssame its actually a bit better
remember the note that Aaron left when he shut down pokemon crater. the "best friend" in the note exactly two months later recreated pokemon crater and named it pokemon vortex. try it out. the URL is
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