
PokeOne, a beautiful looking MMORPG and its free.

PokeOne, a beautiful looking MMORPG and its free.

Basic info - PokéOne is a multi-player online role-playing game created by a group of self-taught developers with a passion for the Pokémon franchise. Because PokéOne is set in the Kanto and Johto regions (like in Pokemon Gold/Silver), you'll find the old-school key aspects of Pokémon in this game.
Your adventure begins once you select your starting Pokémon. Capturing and training Pokémon, battling trainers, collecting gym badges, and conquering the Elite 4 await you on this exciting trip. Pretty much like any Pokemon game really.

So, what's the twist that PokéOne throws at you? Well, this game is a MMO, with a large number of other players that have a passion for Pokémon. You can ask others to trade, combat, or converse with you. The community is kind and welcoming to newcomers, so, if you ever feel stuck, you may always ask for aid from others.
In any event, the Pokeone website provides a pokedex that has a wealth of information about where to locate individual Pokémon, their rarity, if they occur in specific weather, and so on.

As a result of its popularity, there are a large number of players all on a single server. I have read that it is sometimes a bit unreliable, with the servers being entirely down for many hours. I never noticed any problem though and had a fantastic time.
This free game appeals to me since it has mmo elements and functions effectively. You may play the Story PokeOne alone or in a multiplayer mode. Unfortunately, there aren't many combat animations, however, they did an excellent job with the various areas and Poké's, the graphics look superb I think. I can see they have many competions and community events at certain dates, like for example they may have a special Easter Pokemon battle.

As far as I'm aware, this game is only accessible for PC and Android devices (running Android OS version 7.0 and up, so any new mobile from the last 5 years). 
This game is completely free to play. (well, I think you can donate some money to advance quicker). The download link for the PokeOne free MMORPG game is here, simply go to their Discord and download.

Hope you enjoyed this review.

PokeOne, a beautiful looking MMORPG and its free.

PokeOne, a beautiful looking online game and its free.

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